Cape Town Birth Photographer »

As a birth photographer, when I know a grandmother is coming to meet her baby, I hold my breath. They always have the best reactions, their emotions usually so close to the surface and so obvious on their faces. A woman becoming a grandmother makes for such emotional imagery.

We often focus on how transformative birth can be for a woman. She becomes a mother. No doubt, there’s nothing like it. But I get teary seeing women take the next step in the circle of life. Not just meeting their grandbaby. But seeing their baby have a baby. I often wonder what emotions and memories flood their minds? I wonder about their personal stories and what they have lived through. It’s easy to forget women who are grandmothers are real people.

To celebrate Mother’s Day, I’m compiling some of my best moments captured of women on the NEXT biggest day of their life, the day they meet their grandchild and watch their children become parents. There are so many facets to this day, as you will see in the images, it’s not just all one standard experience. 

Did you know you can hire me to quietly be present for the day your mother meets your baby? Or you wouldn’t be the first grandmother that hires me for her grandchild’s birth. Meet The Family sessions are available with my birth packages AND maternity/newborn packages. Inquire here.

I would be remiss in not acknowledging how many women can not be there for such a monumental day, either separated by the miles, by death, by estranged relationships or by health challenges. Mother’s Day can be hard on those of us who didn’t have our mothers there or who have recently lost a mother. It’s a loss for the mother and her child to experience. All the more why its worth capturing or celebrating when it’s possible.

We stand in honour to the women who raised this generation’s mothers and fathers.


To give birth, no matter how you do it, requires a monumental leap of bravery. Sometimes hers is a knowing reassurance right before there’s no turning back.

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Nothing prepares you for going from 0 – 2 children.
When some complications arose with Lezanne’s pregnancy and I had this gut feeling we should do this session sooner rather than later before we lost the chance. We shot on a Saturday and as fate would have it she was put on bedrest on Monday. I’m so glad we were able to squeeze this session in so they have their memories of expecting their girls. That’s another nice thing about my mini-maternity session, even if you aren’t feeling that up to it or are higher risk, its quick enough to not be so taxing.
I met up with Lezanne and her husband in Kalk Bay as the sun was setting for our maternity session. Their images are full of affection and expectation. They are friends and it shows.  Enjoy!
Mini-maternity sessions are offered complimentary with all my birth packages. Its 30 minutes, quick for the men or the kids (like ripping off a plaster…), one location, and 15 gorgeous high quality images for you to treasure long after you are done being pregnant. Or if I’m fully booked for births, I do offer a select number of maternity/newborn combo packages. Inquire here.


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Its still rare for an expectant father to be the one to call me and drive the booking process. I know when it does happen, how important this is not just for mom, but for them as a couple. It also makes me swoon a little with how wonderful it is to see strong tattooed men who become proud loving fathers.

In their birth story, you can feel the build up of waiting and anticipation. Its palpable. It was also worth it. The moment they lock eyes with their son, its as if time stands still. This kind of moment never gets old to document.

Be sure not to miss the moments through the glass when their family meet Aston. A reminder that babies are born not just to parents but to families. Haylee said, “I will forever be grateful for making the choice of having a birth photographer to capture our family’s faces as they first laid eyes on Aston while I was still in post op.” We forget there are portions of a birth story that a mom or a dad might miss but a birth photographer’s role is to be their constant eyes and ears.

Their story was published in Your Pregnancy magazine and I will be including excerpts of it from her perspective just below the video. So if you love good birth stories told by a mom, keep scrolling through and enjoy.

Thank you Haylee & Michael for not only hiring me, but trusting me for the most significant day in your life.

Thank you aswell to the ever professional and welcoming staff at Mediclinic Panorama and Dr. Grundlingh.

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If you are looking for a white and grey with a pop of yellow nursery decor ideas, this is your stop! Haylee & Michael booked me for their son’s birth and mini-maternity sessions are offered complimentary with all my birth packages. So even though Haylee already had another maternity session done outdoors, we took this opportunity to capture them expecting in their nursery, which Haylee put together herself. For women who prepare a nursery as their way of nesting, they know… it can be alot of work! You put your heart into the colour selection and all the details, so it makes sense to capture it. Because soon it becomes a full-fledged kid-room with toys on the floor and never quite the same as those early days. I actually loved the versatility of how easily you could adapt this room and decor into an older child’s room.

Thank you Haylee and Michael for inviting me into your home. Your joy for your son’s arrival is palpable.

Mini-maternity sessions are 30 minutes, quick for the men or the kids (like ripping off a plaster…), one location, and 15 gorgeous high quality images for you to treasure long after you are done being pregnant. Or if I’m fully booked for births, I do offer a select number of maternity/newborn combo packages. Inquire here.


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We hope this finds you already in Holiday-mode or wrapping up life so that you can relax a bit over the coming days. Just wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday season from our family. Since I share so many photos of other families, I thought it would only be right to share some of ours from this year too. Taken by the talented Michaela Copsey, and proof that I believe in continually documenting families (even our own) at every stage. Even though its a hassle to make happen with littles. Its worth it!

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