Cape Town Birth Photographer »

You may remember this family’s birth story. How four years changes things! Their family is defined by overcoming. Rifqah and her husband have commissioned me to document their family annually. Her fight with cancer is a brutal one and only further highlights what a gift each year together really is.

So when I take these photos, I know the deeper meaning behind them. They are a celebration of how far they have come. They are also a reminder of how precious life is. Especially life TOGETHER.

Here are some of the year’s past (here & here) so you can see the progression.

I believe family sessions should include portraits not just your family, but of each child, your children together, you and your spouse with each child individually, and the often neglected… couple photos! Yes, because your relationship still matters and should be celebrated. By the way… they have been married over 10 years and still so in love! These are the photos your children will dig up for milestone anniversaries and their weddings.

Day In The Life Sessions or Outdoor Family Sessions are exclusive for my clients as I have an ongoing relationship with them. I believe it takes a certain level of trust and report to photograph a family this intimately and my availability is mainly reserved for births. Some book them annually or for milestones. But should you book me for your birth or maternity/newborn, you will always be able to hire me again and again to capture the different stages your family is in as the years go by.

I look forward to many more years of documenting their family. Each time we will celebrate another year granted!

Enjoy just some of their beautiful session:

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Just look at how she’s grown and flourished in just two months! It’s crazy to me every time I see her. But that’s what the baby year is like, it simply doesn’t stand still.

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know that I have been tracking Emma’s progress since she was newborn. It feels like I blinked, and suddenly she is already eight months new (or is it time to switch to old?).

She is growing into an affectionate, curious little angel. She loves to laugh, “read” and she sits up all by herself now.

There are such special milestones in a baby’s first year of development. Moments that you think you’ll remember as a parent, but pass by so quickly that you barely have time to take notice, never mind taking photos. Emma’s parents had the brilliant idea of hiring me to do a mini-photoshoot of Emma every two months.

Although I do offer a One Year Later Session exclusively to my clients, it has become clear to me through my visits to Emma and her family, that there is so much growth and wonder to document at shorter intervals. Please inquire here to find out more as I only take on a handful of these yearlong projects at a time.

For now, enjoy not-so-little-anymore Emma at eight months old:


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Little Emma is now six months new!

It is truly exciting to play witness to the development of this little cutie. I checked in with her just two months ago, and I cannot believe that we have already reached the six-month milestone. It seems like Emma has grown about a foot, and it feels like just yesterday that her tiny pink body was about the same size as her letter board that we pose her next to every time we have a photo session.

Her personality keeps blooming. As it says on her letter board: “Even though I can’t walk yet, I’m dancing in my heart!”

Inquire here if you are interested in hiring me to document your baby’s first year of life. I only take on a limited number of these per year and every session will be bound in a luxury heirloom album once the baby year is complete.


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As a birth photographer, I spend a lot of my time watching Life as it begins: playing witness to the very first moments of a little human being’s beginning. It goes without saying that this privilege is something that takes my breath away time and time again. What surprises and delights me just as much, is the vast amount of change that takes place in that little human being within just a few short months following their birth. It’s astounding.

Huxley’s parents made the wise decision to document some of these fleeting moments, by inviting me to visit them every three months for a mini shoot. It feels like he was born just yesterday (Missed it? Here is his Birth Film!)… followed shortly by his newborn shoot, and yet when you look at him now, his growth and development are evident.

Watch this space – before you know it, it will be time to check in with Huxley again for another update. Nothing flies like the baby year!

Enjoy the adorable Huxley – 3 months NEW.

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Emma is 4 months new. It has been two months since her previous shoot (I’ll be visiting her every two months to track her growth for the first year of her life) and her development is evident. She has blossomed into a people-loving, curious and happy little angel! She is now grabbing her toys and pulling them towards her; sitting up with assistance; starting to roll over… Time spent in her gorgeous nursery is suddenly interactive and playful. What a difference a few months makes.

Here are Emma’s Newborn and 2 Months shoots, in case you missed it. Since first posting these, it has become clear that shoots like these that capture the incredible journey of a baby’s first year of life are in high demand. Emma’s parents booked my Maternity & Newborn Package and we added on these mini shoots. All of these sessions will be added in to her heirloom album to make an incredible baby book. Inquire here if you are interested aswell.

Without further ado, enjoy the beautiful Emma 4 months new.


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