You’ll remember this couple’s gorgeous Tokai Forest Maternity shoot. Baby’s Smidt decided to come the day I went on-call. This birth included a double gender reveal which is really incredible to capture as the photographer. That’s right, the parents had no idea until he was born. First was with mom as their doctor let mom discover for herself the first time she saw him. Then, we all kept the surprise for dad to discover in the recovery room for himself. His reaction is just a delight. Then his mother becomes a grandmother and her expressions left me teary. Here’s the story of their miracle baby:
When you are done, be sure to see the story continue as we capture Baby Smidt’s newborn photos.
Thank you to the Smidt family for allowing me the privledge to capture your journey to parenthood. All photos shared with family permission.
About a week later, I took Baby Smidt’s newborn photos after they settled back home. See them here.